Security is very import to us, because you store personal data collected from your clients and guests that come to you for assistance, it is essential that every effort is made to protect their privacy. To do this we have developed the FoodBank Manager system to be as secure as it can be and we feel we are at a level of security that banks and government agencies require.
Unfortunately there is one area that is very hard to secure and that is the internet portal for your subscription. The "front door" as it were. Without a firewall your front door is open to everyone all over the world to see. Granted they would need the key (username and password) to open the door but why should they even have the opportunity to try and open the door if they are not part of your team.
This is why we have developed a personal firewall tool that lets you keep your subscription closed to everyone except your team.
There is a complete walk-through with screen shots and a full description of how the Firewall works in our Help Files section of the website. Click here to go directly to the Firewalls Help File.
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