Guest Reports
FoodBank Manager has nine Guest Reports currently available.
- Visit History Export: Raw data export providing guest and guest visit data based on a date range of visits.
- Guest Data Report: Raw data export providing guest information from the guest records in your database.
- Duplicates Report: This reports out possible duplicate accounts in your system by name and/or address.
- Visit Frequency Report: Dispell the myths on visit frequency and acquire data that is incredibly useful in fiscal and program planning. Help Page Available Below!
- Signature Forms Report: This is where you convert the collected visit data into the forms for TEFAP, CSFP, EFP and more.
- No Visits Export Report: Use this report to identify people that should be coming in and are not showing up. Perfect for following up on "At Risk" groups or households.
- Export Notes Report: This report provides the notes, for follow up, that were added to accounts during the period chosen.
- Others Export: Use this report for a one line per person look at the primary and the others in the households demographic information. Provides demographics at the individual level.
- Others Visit Export: Use this report for a one line per person look at the primary and the others in the households demographic information based on their visits in the time frame selected. Provides demographics at the individual level.

Visit Frequency Report
Dispell the myths on visit frequency, and learn what is actually happening.
Learn More