FoodBank Manager's Point of Sale (POS) was created with the Inventory Module. It was designed to provide check out of the items a client is receiving in a fast and efficient way. We modeled it as a simple check out without the pricing, receipts and the other features you would find in a store. The system is similar but less complicated than a store while providing what a food pantry needs.
Pantries that are Client Choice find this extremely helpful and is used in many ways. Some agencies have a tablet with an attached scanner and when they remove an item off the shelf, they scan the barcode on the item. If they take two, they scan it twice. Just like checking out at a grocery store.
Some Client Choice agencies have the client take their items and place then into a grocery cart, then at the end of the line a volunteer scans the items to complete the check out, removing the items from inventory.
The pantries that use our online ordering system will frequently pack the clients order on the day they are scheduled to come in and scan the items as they pack their order, removing the items from inventory.
As you can see there are many ways to use this exciting feature.
You can use your keyboard or a scanner to operate our Point of Sale (POS). It is platform independent and can be used on any device.
Volunteers find our Point of Sale (POS) easy to use and simple to learn.
The Point of Sale (POS) is a part of the Inventory Module and is included in any "30 Day Free Trial". You will be able to get an understanding of this functionality before you are required to pay for it after the trial period expires.
Note: The Inventory/POS Module is an optional item and is not required to use FoodBank Manager.
Below is a Point of Sale demonstration Video that includes normal use of the system and a detailed walk through of the Point of Sale (POS) feature. This demonstration is using clothing and food but is used the same way for any product you wish to check out using the Inventory Module.